Voice Analysis Harmony

The VAH system is based on the fact that everything is vibration. Everything about you is carried in the sound of your voice. It is your template of perfection that can become distorted over time, causing emotional and physical imbalances.

Based on Detailed Research
The VAH system is based on more than 2 decades of research. Over many years of doing voice analyses on people with different issues, patterns of frequencies became apparent. Missing or low frequencies correspond to specific weaknesses in organs and body systems, as well as emotions. Higher frequencies correspond to backup systems and inflammation or infection.

The Scientific Basis
Based on the research of Alfred Tomatis, “Every frequency is a nutrient.”  All the parts of the body down to the cellular level, including emotions, function at different frequencies.  An imbalance in these frequencies can lead to an imbalance in an organ, body system or mental state. The more balanced the energy, the more balanced, efficient, and energetic you are.

An imbalance in your body and emotions can happen in many ways:

  • Irritating Frequencies Growing Up - If you grow up with an irritating frequency (like a critical parent, or a refrigerator or fan) your ear actually turns that frequency down over time.  Then when you move out, you now are deficient in that frequency.

  • Physical Issues or Trauma – These can also create blockages in your system that don’t allow the free flow of frequencies through your system.

  • Emotional issues or Trauma - These can affect the balance of frequencies in your system.  It is like a stuck emotion or negative belief is a frequency that throws off the balance in your system.

  • Hearing Issues – Simple hearing loss can affect the nutrients that are getting into your body.  Based on the research of Alfred Tomatis your voice doesn’t make frequencies that you can’t hear (you can make them, but they don’t naturally come through your voice if you are not hearing them). 

The Remedy
The remedy is to play back the missing frequencies into the body to balance it out.  It is similar to vitamin therapy – if you are missing a vitamin in the body, you take that vitamin so you have a good balance of all frequencies in the body – so energy can then flow through your whole system. 

Toning (singing a vowel at that note) is even more effective than just listening to a song in the key you are missing.
The basic idea is that every issue physically and emotionally is supported by a frequency landscape within your whole system. It doesn't mean that you actually have a certain issue when that landscape is present, but it could lead to that issue manifesting in your system. Your voice reflects that frequency landscape. By listening to sounds or music and/or toning in a certain key, you break up that frequency landscape and the issue can no longer exist.


The Assessment
You speak into a microphone and the computer analyzes what notes you sing as you speak.  Everybody sings when they speak.  A healthy person hits all the notes of the scale when they sing as they speak.  A person who is dying stays on only one note as they speak… because they don’t have enough energy to make to the other notes.

The software then analyzes the sound of your voice to see what notes are missing, and what notes are too high (sung too much).

The Treatment
I then give you a music file in the key of the notes that are missing in order to infuse them back into your system.  Ideally you listen to the 20 minute track two or three times a day (It is very pleasant to listen to).  It is even more effective if you tone along with it (sing any vowel).  I also recommend colors to work with to help restore the balance.  

If you do a voice analysis after listening and toning to the track you normally notice a difference in your voice analysis.
You can also use the program to test things in your environment to see if they are throwing you off balance or creating harmony. You can test foods, materials, colors, essential oils and flower essences. Often we find that what you need is not what you like. This is not always true -- often we know intuitively what we need.

For more information, go to The Globe Institute